

1st Graders learn about realistic drawing (part 2, Ms. Cresswell's class)

For our painting unit we will be making stylistic paintings of animals inspired by Aztec representation of familiar animals. To begin we started with realistic drawings of animals. I explained to the kids that shapes are found everywhere, even in animals. I also taught them about using "details" such as fur, whiskers, feathers, claws, eyes, nose, etc are what makes the drawing even more realistic. They were so proud of their drawings that they wanted to take them home right away. They need the drawings to inform their paintings next week. Here they placed their names besides their most successful drawing out of the 6-7 they drew that day.

Painting Paper in the spirit of Eric Carle

The beginning of our collage unit, we looked over various illustration created by Eric Carle (children's author and illustrator) and made a list of some observations we made about his style. We then followed his style to make our own collection of painted paper.

Below is the list of observation we made about his work.

Butterfly Invasion Paintings by all three 2nd Grade classes!!! (part 3, Ms. Mahar)

Butterfly Invasion Paintings by all three 2nd Grade classes!!! (part 2, Ms. Schaefer))