

1st Grader will begin exploring the art of Joseph Cornell

First Graders will begin exploring the art of Joseph Cornell (see link for more info). Joseph Cornell was a symbolist and an assemblage artist. In the art room we have been discussing the use of symbols to describe ourselves. The work we do with our own Joseph Cornell inspired boxes will further extend that learning to a new level.

In the meantime, the art room needs for this unit are: small insignificant objects that may have once been considered beautiful and may even evoke nostalgia. List of possible items listed below but the sky's the limit.

* old keys
* broken toy jewelry
* beads
* buttons
* old stamps
* broken costume jewelry
* pieces of broken toys
* puzzle pieces
* Gift wrapping
* Greeting cards
* Wallpaper paper
* old/broken holiday ornaments
* small glass or clear plastic containers.
* game pieces
* Small animal toys
* Party favors
* candy wrappers
* small gift boxes

Thank you in advance for your support!


2nd graders add hair to their puppet heroes.

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4th grade (Finberg) began their Anasazi inspired vessels today

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

Art room needs: styrofoam or plastic egg cartons

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

Ms. Cresswell's 1st grade class finish their mixed media insect art work

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1