This site is meant primarily as a resource for other elementary visual art teachers. Enjoy! All works posted before August 2014 are images from an elementary school I worked at in DC, all posted after that date are from an language immersion elementary school in Arlington, Virginia. Feel free to use ideas shared on this blog.Please, if trying out the ideas , at the very minimum give me written/verbal credit. Thank you!!
Local Art Teachers Art Show Reception Next Week......
The Chevy Chase Citizen’s Association
Invites you to the
Chevy Chase Community Center
For an Exhibition of Works of Art by
Teachers of Art from our Community Schools
Margaret Bustos Alice Deal Middle School
Miriam Cutelis Murch Elementary School
Judy Kearns Blessed Sacrament School
Carolyn Kouri Alice Deal Middle School
Lauri McLaughlin Lafayette Elementary School
Grace McNicholas Blessed Sacrament School
Megan Pena-Ariet St. Johns College High School
Reception: Tuesday, November 8, 2011
5:30 –7:30 pm
5601 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20011
Exhibition ends December 16, 20011