

An artist I'd like to explore next with the kids

I read lots of blogs....possibly more than books at this point in my life; they are so much fun! In my daily reads I ran across a living artist and blogger, Judy Wise. She is an amazing multimedia and multi-talented artist who has been writing in journals ever since she was 7. I thought I could post some of her journal pages from her blog (see below) to get the community excited about exploring her work and perhaps being inspired to keep a multimedia journal for grades 3, 4 and 5. Enjoy!! You can see her work in her site.


1st Graders Explore Paper Sculptures for Construction Unit

To begin our construction unit, children in 1st grade are creating amazing paper sculptures. Each piece they glue on their cardboard has to come off the paper. We also talked about the difference between sculptures (3D) and 2D art. You too can do this at home....see videos below for some guidance!!

3rd Graders Create Designs Using ONLY One Shape

Children were given a cardboard cut-out of a shape and told to explore what designs they could make. To prepare them for this exercise children were shown some quilt designs where the same shapes were used repeatedly in various positions to create a design.

This young artist was very proud of his design....he wanted his picture taken.
Children used Sharpies to darken their designs once they were done.
Here are 2 artists finishing up their designs.

4th grade explore halves and squares through 1" squares created last week

Scenes From King Midas Using Christopher Myers' Style- WORK IN PROGRESS

Christopher Myers, a children's book illustrator, uses magazine out-outs and photographs to create his very unique collage illustrations. These are works half-way done depicting a scene from King Midas.

Meet Eric Carle- The interview

Children in 4th grade have been learning about various styles in collage. They have been introduced to the work of Eric Carle who paints paper in very specific ways, then cuts them into very colorful images.
We then have been looking at the work of Christopher Myers whose style is very different then Eric Carle's. He uses magazines and photos to "color" his simple images. Below is a sample of what his work looks like.

Here is the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Display of Kindergarten Drawing LINE Designs

Right in the lobby......on your right please see our new K art display.
We made a list of all the types of lines we know.