

Backdrop for Little Red Riding Hood (3RD)

Since 3rd graders have been working on lesson plans related to the Murch garden or trees on our property, this one particular class studied varied ways to make the color green. Green generally is the mix of blue and yellow. Yet, artists learn that when you tweak that basic recipe and add more blue, you get another color. And when you add more yellow, you also get a new color.
For this activity, these children were given blue, yellow, white and black and told to create as many variations of green as they could.
These explorations will later be used for the backdrop for the play, Little Red Riding Hood happening in May at Murch with some of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes.

When the class ended, I told them that today they probably invented a new green. I don't think they will ever see any color in a singular way again.

Sumi-e, Japanese Brush Painting- an exploration

2nd Graders have studied landscapes this year and just last week we did an exploration of watercolor and basic proper techniques of this medium. This week, these same students were exposed to various Japanese brush paintings of landscapes. The kids learned how to vary their water/ink mixture, as one would in making food, to bring about varying tonal results.

I encourage all Murch parents to buy ink, watercolor paper and a good watercolor brush and try this activity at home.....You need a bowl to make the mixture and a very little amount of ink will do.
This child met the objective of the day. She was able to create varying tones in her work by adjusting the water and ink ratios.

This is a projection of a Japanese ink painting we looked at to get inspiration.


5th Storytelling class TOMORROW

For those kids who are in the class, we ARE having our 5th storytelling class this Friday (4/8) from 3:30-4:30pm. Please be on time picking up your child for I need to be someplace at 5pm tomorrow. Please text me if you'll be late, 516-225-3403.