This site is meant primarily as a resource for other elementary visual art teachers. Enjoy! All works posted before August 2014 are images from an elementary school I worked at in DC, all posted after that date are from an language immersion elementary school in Arlington, Virginia. Feel free to use ideas shared on this blog.Please, if trying out the ideas , at the very minimum give me written/verbal credit. Thank you!!
Need help building metal shelves
I am seeking help from anyone in the Murch community who might have strong 'IKEA' genes. I have ordered and received three wire metal shelves funded by the HSA (that's awesome parents!!!) and would love some help building them. If you are free the week of April 11th, please contact me at .
5th Grade: Ideas of what to include in your time capsules
5th Graders are creating time capsules and exploring various aspects of their current lives they'd like to remember 10, 15 years from now. I shared with the class an item I loved as a 6th grader and it's changing importance to me now in the present, years later. We will be looking at the work of Joseph Cornell. Click here to see samples of his work.
* A local daily newspaper * A weekly news magazine (Time, Newsweek) __ * Ticket stubs (concerts, movies, sporting events, etc.) __ * Sports trading cards (or other collectibles) __ * A popular toy __ * A sample of product packaging (empty Coke® can, etc.) __ * A popular CD (top-10 music hits) * A menu from a favorite restaurant __ * Items from your school * Letters From Mom, Dad, Grandparents * Travel brochures * Stamps * Stickers * Metro ticket * Receipt * Acorns from tree by your house * Pressed leaves * Photos * Pictures of famous people now * A copy of your report card * A photocopy of your hands * A greeting card from a loved one * favorite candy wrapper
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