

Sewing with 4th graders

The gist of most of my units is I teach students a skill and then allow them to play with this new skill for some time to develop some expertise. Then, for their final project they use the learned skill to create something personally meaningful to them. 

With sewing the students, especially some of the boys went into the unit "kicking and screaming"...well, not literally. The minute they saw that they could actually sew they relaxed and most actually have gone on to make second pillows. 

This student googled cat online and used one of the images to inspire his own cat form. 

some students have done sewing before

The boys were overheard saying, "this is so relaxing." Another said, "I know why my grandma likes this so much now." Yet, another said, "I could do this all day."

I do not focus on the stitching too much. Once the child is comfortable with sewing in general they can be taught to tighten up their stitches. 

The joy on this child's face when he realized he was about to finish 
the pillow he's been working on for 3 weeks. 

Some final products. 


Watercolor exploration - Kindergarten