Printmaking for kindergarten is about making marks....simply making marks. We began this unit by making dandelions (see HERE). We used out fingers to make marks on paper with paint. Today we used common everyday objects to make marks. Next we will explore using other simple materials to continue to make marks. Because the class is somewhat messy, children wore smocks. I only use t-shirts as smocks in my art room, they are easy to put on and take off; no tying is needed, hence less teacher assistance needed. I also combined three of my tables so all the materials were on a large table and children could freely go around and find new tools and colors as needed. It's important when you begin that you teach every single interaction, including how to walk with your painted paper though the class to how your hands go up and down when printing, not side to side.
This unit is intended to present kindergartners with various rich printmaking experiences ranging from everyday object printmaking all the way to collagraphs and printing with ink. Next in this unit we will create texture on surfaces, touch on collagraphs, rubbings as will as there simple printmaking techniques. The importance being exposing the students to a wide and rich variety of experiences in printmaking.