

Volunteer Sign-Up Information

I am delighted at the large amount of parents who signed up to volunteer in the art room. Below I address each volunteer level separately.

If you marked "Occasional, biweekly or monthly"
I am asking that you contact me directly through e-mail ( to set up a time or a schedule. That way I can place you on my calendar. Please contact me the week before you want to come. Also, I will be posting specific class wide assignments I will be needing help with on the blog and if you check often you can sign up for those as well.

If you marked "weekly" on the volunteer form
I will need to meet with you personally before you start helping in the class. Unfortunately, DCPS has a volunteer application form and a process that requires a TB test, and a photo ID. I can give you those forms when we meet. If I have not scared you away yet, contact me though e-mail (see above) and we can get the ball rolling.

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