

Second grade cube sculpture unit- with an emphasis on group work


This is a 3-D construction unit is aimed at teaching second graders how to make simple geometric forms by combining simple geometric shapes using masking tape and cardboard. One of the main objectives besides explode to 3d construction is learning how to work together in a group and learning to work around social difficulties that might arise in the decision-making process. No matter what you become when you grow up you will need to be able to get along with one another and work with all types of people. What better place to practice getting along with others than school? I have done this unit in the past (see link to past unit HERE and HERE) and I have learned that the struggle that happens as kids learn to work together is a bit tense, yes, but the struggle is one in which kids learn so much from. I had kids in tears trying to come to a decision on what to make with their cubes turn around 10-12 minutes later and not only find a compromise, but also feel amazing that they arrived at a successful compromise on their own. So as a teacher, it's important to guide the process but to not rush to resolution, especially not one that you assist with. Kids will only derive pride and excitement out of ideas THEY generate. 


Once kids have made one cube the gate is open and now they can begin to mass produce cubes in their designed groups. For this unit and for the objectives I have for them I assign them what groups they will work in. It's imperative that they learn to collaborate with peers they might not always socialize with daily. Only in creating such an environment will you best mimic what they will deal with in their own jobs, future group projects or even in their future living environments, such as in college.



If you would like me purchase my powerpoint presentation for this unit please send $5.00 via PayPal to and specify what language (Spanish or English) you would prefer and which email you'd like the presentation emailed to.  Once I share the presentation with you via Google Docs you can copy and change, add or delete any slides to fit your needs. The presentation will be sent to you within 24 hours of purchase.

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