

Recycled/Throw away items needed in art room

1. In second grade we are making paper mache puppets and found out we are very low on 'hair'. If you have yarn or string in any 'hair color', please drop them by the art room.
2. In 4th grade we are studying the vessels of the Anasazis and need balloons to make paper mache vessels. I will most likely pick some up this weekend, but if you have any from a part party, I'd love it!

3. In 1st grade students are looking at 17,300 year-old art found in the caves of Lascaux, France. If you have any colored chalk we can use for this unit, please also drop by the art room. We would also need to borrow several mortar and pestles (see image below).

Families, thanks in advance for all your help.

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