

Update on Hamster and Hamster Playground!!

Thanks to four amazing parents at Murch the hamster playground will be on display next week. The hamster playground is a combined effort by all 5 first grade classes to build size-appropriate and fun 'playground' equipment for a hamster. Each child has spent about 4 weeks creating this equipment.

A Murch mom, Ann Acosta (Ryan's mom) will graciously lend us their family hamster, Hamsty, (cage and all) for a whole week. Also, Marsha Goodman-Wood (Sam and Olivia's mom) has arranged for Kathryn Harllee (Lucy, Van and Murphy's mom) to drop off the giant box using her van. All 'playground equipment will be enclosed inside this box while Hamsty gets to test them out and kids watch. Families of children in 1st Grade are welcome to come during your child's regular art time and day. I have invited several non-first grade classes to come visit the display and some teachers have signed on.

Thank you parents! I do not take your high level of support for granted one bit! If you have a child who is not in first grade and whose teacher is not doing the tour. You can bring your child to see the display anytime Friday, October 7th, from 8-8:30am.

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