

1st graders play with organic and geometric shape to create a unity based collage

This is an image of a work created by Victor Brauner. We used our amazing HSA-funded ELMO to look closely at this art. Brauner was a Romanian Surrealist Painter who lived from 1903-1966. This work has abstract images of human beings in which geometric and organic shapes are used.
The great benefit with using the ELMO allows us to really get up close to the work, no matter how tiny they look printed in a book. The children loved all these depictions of humans and animals.
Below is the kids' rendition inspired by Victor Brauner.
Children used colored construction paper, and varied fancy scissors to create both geometric and organic shapes to create a human being. The artist below is cutting out his person on the second day of this project.
The 2 types of shapes. Children were shown various shapes and they had to tell me where it went.
Below is the work completed. Looks very much inspired by the Brauner work we looked at.
A wonderful Murch parent donated these amazing set of wavy scissors. The kids enjoyed making organic shapes from these scissors.

1 comment:

Kristyn DeMint said...

Thanks for sharing! I remember seeing that painting when I was in NYC. I remember thinking it would make for a neat collaborative project. You have inspired me to give it a try :)