As a skill building activity in preparation to making our paper sculpture totem poles, children used regular copy paper to create varied cones. They were given the basics of creating a cone and then asked to tweak the formula in various ways and explore how their cones were then different.
These cone making skills will be helpful when making their totem poles. A cone could be used to make their animal eyes, ears, nozzle or beaks. Next week, children will explore various ways to manipulate paper to create fur, feathers or scales. All these skills will help children in the end create a highly skilled animal totem sculpture.This site is meant primarily as a resource for other elementary visual art teachers. Enjoy! All works posted before August 2014 are images from an elementary school I worked at in DC, all posted after that date are from an language immersion elementary school in Arlington, Virginia. Feel free to use ideas shared on this blog.Please, if trying out the ideas , at the very minimum give me written/verbal credit. Thank you!!
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