

1st Grade Mice Homes on Display at School

A few mice homes are on display in the second floor of the main school building. Please come see them.....they are a few feet from the art room. These homes made from simple recyclable items has inspired other children from other grades to also collect items and make homes outside the art room. projects like these are only possible thanks to the donations of Murch parents. If your mice home is not on display here, please feel free to come pick up your mice home before or after school anytime from the art room. Please continue to donate small items that would have otherwise end up in the trash such as spools, corks, broken toys, game pieces, etc.
Below you will find some plastic necklace pieces and spools donated by Murch families.

In this house can you find piece of the egg carton?

Can you find the bread tabs? or the Popsicle sticks below?
Can you find the broken tiara?
Where do you see corks in the home below?

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