

New Items Needed in the Art Room

Here is my new list of recyclable items I need in the art room:
**different types of paper (textured, gift wrap, decorative)
**paper towel tubes
**cardboard of any kind
**tops of bottles/ toothpaste tubes
**yogurt cups
**cereal boxes
**any food boxes smaller than a cereal box
**wood pieces
**styrofoam packaging materials
**plastic animals (realistic looking)
**broken costume jewelry
**bread bag tags
**old sweaters
**manilla folders
**meat trays, meat trays, meat trays (go through them like water)

Thanks in advance for all your help!! your efforts are what breathes life to this art program....I could not do it without your support!

1 comment:

Mika said...

This are easy to find items that are being used daily. I hope you can find inspiration in turning this rubbish into beautiful work of art.